Friday, March 23, 2012

Ebb & Flow~ Renae Brabham

When I couldn't think of anything to write this week, I grabbed a beach chair and notebook and headed to Sullivans Island. I walked down the path while the dew was still on the ground at Station 18. The sun filtered through twisted limbs that hung over the boardwalk, blinking beauty like a strobe light onto the boardwalk. I noticed the contrast between the light and the dark and the sense it gave the journey. When the rays shone through, my focus was up on the last blooms of spring's alarm clock, Yellow Jasmine and the scent of wafting Wisteria. When the rays went away and darkness filled the path, I focused below on my steps, smelling the wet marsh and pungency of wild animal urine. Same pathway, different views. I saw the message the morning was playing out immediately.

 Before my eyes hit the clearing across the dunes, my mind's eye had already etch-a-sketched a empty, quiet beach. I was ticked off. The foggy horizon was obstructed by a huge ocean liner bringing freight into the harbor. I forgave it a few minutes later as it slipped quietly through the sound. Solitude again. Seagulls scuffled out of my way, probably just as ticked at me for imposing on their quiet morning.

I dropped the chair and bag and took off for the shore. I walked for miles, my mind pleasantly empty. The beach chorus drummed out everything. I imagined the surf talking. Whatever it said, it did it repetitively. Maybe it says, Take Away.....Give Back......Take Away.....Give Back. Dolphins spouted and corralled their breakfast. Heron's dive and bring up fish bigger than I catch on my fishing rod. Stranded Jelly Fish struggle to catch the last tide out. I push some gently back into the foam. Some make it, some don't.

 They are always there, the constants of both worlds. I started snapping pics. I took pictures that day of both worlds. Just a little reminder to me that they co-exist. A sand covered Bi-Lo grocery bag, seashells sitting alongside cigarette butts and dog poop, another ocean liner. Constants, truths, parallels of life. Ever noticed laughter at funeral? Absurd? Maybe not. Continuity...

Take Away.....Give Back.......Take Away.......Give Back.......

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Elton John, I Remember When Rock Was Young

Sir Elton John remembers when rock was young. I remember when it was a young adult. The stadium at his recent concert in Charleston proved that his music spans decades. It was obvious the generations he entertains bridges more than the four decades he has been performing. We were enveloped by fans from the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen y and Gen Z!

I was painfully made aware of which generation I was in as I searched for a pre-concert Advil, for the ~touch of arthritis~ coming on. I was going to do the Crocodile damned. We stood in the line at the head of the pack..pretty proud that we were some of the first there, only to relinquish our lead 15 minutes later in search of bathrooms at the Performing Arts Building. We found comfy cushion seats in the lobby outside the bathrooms and decided to wait out the count down here. A Silent Generation lady inched her way towards us, she eased herself down onto the cushion by me as she held the wall for support. I saw her two rows up later swaying and singing every word to Tiny Dancer, fist pumping the air at the end of song.

As concert time draws nearer we leave the comfort of the cushions to follow a pied piper who informs the crowd of another way into the coliseum. We wind around the coliseum, up the stairs and end the exodus at the beer garden. We gasp as we observe the price of wine ~shots~. At the same instant a coliseum staffer slips two drinking bands on our wrist. We opt instead for a Diet Coke and pretzel the width of our concert seat. A sober situation.

The lights are on and I watch the progression of ages fill the seats. I look at the crowd around us and wonder, who else is thinking about what their dog was doing or if ~Wheel of Fortune~ announced them as the spin ID winner that night. The lights dim as the 2 Cello's are announced as the opening act. That was no act! Those boys slung the chitlins off of those cello gut strings! And then he was there, Sir Elton John. The seats we thought were awesome became cumbersome after two and a half hours. When Elton went into his hit ~I'm still standing~ I sang it and meant it. Elton was phenomenal, extremely attentive and gracious to his fans. No, he didn't jump up on the piano like he did in piano solo's of his early years, but I didn't climb up on someone’s shoulder waving a bic screaming ~Free Bird~ either. I shook my hiney to the Crocodile Rock and everything else that he performed.

As we inched (literally) our way out of the coliseum parking for an hour, I imagined that Elton John was already soaking in a Jacuzzi at the Embassy we were passing. I thoroughly enjoyed the night. When my feet hit the floor the next morning, the memories of Crocodile Rocking were replaced with the reality of Lizard Limping. In a weird sort of way, a paradoxical reminder of a night well spent.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Strategy of Craft: An Interview with Artist, Lyricist, Musician John Brannen Renae Brabham

The Strategy of Craft: An Interview with Artist, Lyricist, Musician John Brannen
Renae Brabham

On an overcast morning last week I pulled into the Sea Biscuit Cafe on Isle of Palms. Opening the door of the cottage style café, I am greeted to a lively breakfast chorus. Spoons clanged against coffee cups, forks and knives drummed percussion to lively, caffeine driven conversations. I pick a table in the corner near the window, pull out my talking points, set the recorder on the table and ordered coffee. Minutes later he was there. John Brannen; ageless, agile and confident. For the next 1 1/2 hours, the hubbub of the cafe subsided into the background. I thought later that the interview went something like an album, a moment of silence between tracks. Talking points lay idle as I lean back and absorb.
John Brannen charges the air around him with a zeal for contributing to life. Described in terms of craft as a Heartland Rocker. A true Rolling Stone, he’s always been there, gathers no moss or wrinkles for that matter. I tell him that he has held up well considering the span and era of his career. "I shouldn't have" he says with a reminiscing smile. His career and endeavors have taken him across the continent and the US, but like the ebb and flow of the Atlantic, he is pulled back to his southern roots. "I don't like to stay in big cities too long. The icker begins to grow on you." he says, while rubbing his arms. He talks about meeting with legendary music icon Danny Goldberg. Danny started his career as a journalist for Rolling Stone magazine. A few of the names Danny has managed over the years; Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Steve Earle, Allman Brothers, Alannah Myles. "Danny Goldberg gets it" John says. You get the sense that John is more honored and humbled than proud to say that he signed an exclusive writer/publisher deal with Goldberg in October this past year.
When I ask about accomplishments, it is obvious that his eight year old is his crowning life achievement. He recalls episodes of her endeavors like lyrical mantra, usurping all other worldly substance in his life. And there is a lot of substance! 6 albums under his belt. A US tour as equal with Toby Keith and Shania Twain in the 1993 Triple Play Tour, The Eagles wrote and recorded John's song "Somebody" on their first studio record in 28 yrs, Screenplays, benefits. A movie, "The Black Dove" written by director Michael Caporale recently accepted in The Houston Film Festival with award status, features John's music from three different albums. John’s original, rare pre-1986 black Gibson Dove guitar was the catalyst for Caporale writing the screenplay. John's Black Dove can be seen in several of the videos.
I ask about his creative influences. The name dropping wasn’t meant to impress, but did nonetheless. John tells of conversations, inspirations, phone calls, sessions with some of the greatest musicians ever! In near reverence John tells me “I considered Waylon Jennings a huge inspiration, from a genre that transcends time. He actually played bass with Buddy Holly, a first generation rocker. Playing with him was the only time in my adult life that I could say I was nervous. My hands trembled.” “Joe Walsh? One of the most caring individuals you will ever meet. Sick, wicked, stupid talented. My tape lands on his desk, the next thing I know, I am being called my his attorneys and told to be at such and such airport Where I am picked up by his limousine driver holding a sign with my name on it to meet him in Memphis.” John tributes Walsh as a wonderful mentor who spring boarded his career.
We talk about the flood of ~Resurgence~ albums by lifer musicians. In order to re surge, you’d have to go under. That can’t be said about John Brannen. Perpetually revolving into this next decade, after belting the last two. The south anticipates it’s prodigy’s new endeavors and they are exciting indeed. John is writing and directing the film Midnight Rain ,set to shoot in April here in SC. He is also recording a new album in the spring. The long awaited DVD "One Night In Charleston" recorded last year at The Footlight Players" should be available by Christmas. It is Johns first LIVE recorded film and performance.
We readily romanticize everything in the south, even our specters. Every artist has a few that keep their guitar strings bleeding. “Absolutely” he agrees. “I set out to identify emotions and if all goes well something emerges that hasn’t been apparent. It’s something like throwing a sheet over a ghost and finally the ghost has a form, something we would not have seen otherwise.”
Who says something like that? Smoky room in the 70’s after reading Poe, I might have. I can’t remember.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Won't You Be My Neighbor,R. Brabham

Man is it me or has life been catapulting crap faster than a mac computer this week? Had me flipping through the channels for some I Love Lucy reruns, Andy Griffith show, something!
I thought I'd see if the good outweighed the bad. Let's give my optimistic half full glass a fair trade shake and see what floats to the top.
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat! Gee Bullwinkle, swell! A beach walk on a warm day, the first butterfly of the season, laughter with a friend, sloppy wet kisses from Snowy, a protective male goose guarding his life mate with eggs to hatch soon, an accomplished writer encouraging new writers, rather than red stamping them with ~unpaid dues~, three pounds of chocolate covered cherries on my hips from Christmas, gone. Mister Rogers video. Mister Rogers??? Really?
It came across as a well tossed cyber nugget beach ball bounced to a

concert of 514.992 viewers. I don't know what made me open it. It was simply titled Fred Rogers Acceptance Speech 1997 on the sidebar of YouTube browser. Listening to his voice, I found solace once again in his soft spoken assurances. Fred Rogers flipped the tables of Emmy acceptance behavior, humbling the entire assembly of posh into a blubbering mascara dripped, shoulder slumped mass of spoiled little children. Reminding in his subtle and truthful way that ~You didn't get here by yourself~ He starts by telling us that we were loved into being. Normally it is at this time that a scribbled long list is retracted from an Emmy winners breast pocket or ladies clutch. Mister Rogers ask the audience to take ten seconds,ten seconds to remember those who have helped you become who you are, cared about you and wanted what was best for you. Mister Rogers reveals his watch and tells us that he will time us. I say us, because alone in front of a blue screen, he has chided me into submission as well. He gently coached us into truth. The three minute list just whittled down considerably didn't it? Who really got you there? No one can hear you, it's just you and your heart answering the question. You're not thanking someone to get kudos points, or so that they won't get offended, or because you may need them later.....
Hmmm, to be totally honest, I had about 6 seconds left. Ok, I tell myself, that's my short list. I felt the need to do a do-over, there were some important people I forgot. Or, did I? And then I follow Mister Rogers instructions once again. I remember those that came to my mind, I give thanks for what they have done silently. They have loved us into being. They nurtured us with their strength and encouragement. Much the same way as Mister Rogers did for over 30 years to his children on TV. Each episode began the same way: Mister Rogers is seen coming home, singing his theme song "Won't You Be My Neighbor?", and changing into sneakers and a zippered cardigan sweater. Each episode included a trip to Rogers' "Neighborhood of Make-Believe" featuring a trolley with its own chiming theme song, a castle, and the kingdom's citizens. Mister Rogers often fed his fish during episodes. They were originally named Fennel and Frieda. Typically, each week's episode explored a major theme, such as going to school for the first time. Originally, most episodes ended with a song entitled "Tomorrow", and Friday episodes looked forward to the week ahead with an adapted version of "It's Such a Good Feeling." In later seasons, all episodes ended with "Feeling."
There were many constants in his show that we came to expect. In a chaotic world, constants provide comfort. So, if it’s I Love Lucy, Reading, Biking, Tom and Jerry cartoons, background white noise of a baseball game playing on TV. In John Lennon’s song lyrics “Whatever gets you through the night is alright, alright.” And sometimes, there is even a hidden nugget in this quiet time. As I discovered with Mr. Rogers speech.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

White Noise Conversations

How's it going? Have a good one. I relate to my pastor who questioned what ~one~ was. Have a good day. Was I able to help you today? Would you like to take a short survey at the end of our conversation? Paper or Plastic? Press 1 to speak 2 to speak to.....

We can stagnate our lives with the monotonous drone of habitual conversation. Nothing brought it home to me more this week than this emphatic statement of a co-worker. I knew nothing of him other than he grumbled each time I asked how he was. This day was different. "How are you?" I ask. He looks at me and sighs heavily, like he is contemplating saying what is on his mind. He opts in. "Please quit asking." he says. I do my shocked face. "Ok" I respond. He moves down the counter to doctor his coffee, I can tell he feels bad about his reply. "I didn't mean to be rude, just don't ask me how I am unless you really want to know." he says stirring his cup. I had to smile. He looks a little rough around the edges this morning and I am completely confident that he would tell me exactly how he ~is today~ if I pursued. "Deal" I promise. He has been to my counter twice since. And because he slammed the door shut on small talk we have been able to engage in real conversation, i.e, where he's from, the 70's, cuban coffee, etc.

I have to say that his honesty may have changed the path of my life somewhat. I have never had a problem engaging in conversation with anyone. But, I realized that I am capable of projecting my lack of interest by using tiresome, babbling greetings. Of course you can't engage everyone, but at least be sincere in what you DO say. It's the actual emphasis of my words/life that will engage my customers, my friends and my family, not the repetition of the words. I had the impression in my mind that I had been nice to this co-worker every morning as I stretched a (sincere?) smile across my face and asked "How are you?" His take? I was redundant and uncaring. And, he had the gumption to tell me so. It stung for a minute or two. Wilhelm Stekel said, “Candor is always a double-edged sword; it may heal or it may separate.” I found it to go beyond that and open awareness as well. From that moment on, I am undeniably aware of someone else being disinterested when having a conversation.

I exchanged my monologue for being present and have seriously enjoyed some interesting conversations. When someone believes you really care, you become more than the spigot for the coffee cup. More than the retractable hand that takes their money. You have the opportunity to add value to a minute of their day and they in turn do the same for you.

I realize how damning ritualistic living can be. If I can't add some value to the moment, the least I can do is not take away from it. I have laughed out loud, fun... raucous laughing and been saddened to the depths of my soul this week. Just by being available.

Dangers of monotonous monologue.

Husband and wife, Been together eons. They know what each is going to say and do before they say or do it. They are driving to grocery store. Pull up to a stop sign, husband doesn't look and relies on wife's answer to pull out. "Anything coming?" he ask. Wife responds. "No one's coming." He pulls out and they go to heaven, just like that. Emphasis on the word ~No~ could have changed the outcome.

Monday, January 30, 2012

A little Asinine

I keep this pic on the wall by my desk. Not the usual inspirational pic, keeps me grounded though. I have named him Alittleassofmine.William Faulkner said

" A mule will labor 10 years,
willingly, patiently, for the
privilege of kicking you once"