Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mexican Bandaid's

Every time I look at a bottle of my favorite perfume it takes me back to this crazy day.I am going to one of my granddaughter's birthday parties. I realize the gas hand is on empty a few miles before I get there. I pull into a gas station. One of those that is half convenient store/half fried chicken and pizza eatery. Getting out of the car, my pocket book falls off of shoulder onto ground while I fumble with the keys to lock the doors. Pick the pocketbook up, pump the gas and head into store to pay. I shove my hand into my pocketbook and jerk back. My cylindrical bottle of Eden ~Ralph Lauren~ has broken in the fall and sliced a big chunk out of my finger. I don't do well with blood. Well, that's an understatement. I pass out usually. I can keep from passing out if I get it covered immediately. I get to the counter to pay for the gas with the intention of going to ladies restroom to find some paper towels to cover it. Well, the world starts spinning as the blood is running down my hand now into a little puddle on counter. I begin to wobble a bit and the clerk notices and tells the Mexican cook in the station nearby to run go get me a band-aid. He doesn't seem to understand her and she tells him in some type of broken english/spanish that I am bleeding. I close my eyes and hold the counter to keep from falling. He returns, I keep my eyes closed as he turns me to him and starts wrapping. I leave the store a little shaken, but better. Climbing into car I put my hands on the wheel and glance at the unusual band-aid. I have to stop the car. I laughed so hard that I couldn't pull out of the drive for 3 or 4 minutes. The nice Mexican man had wrapped my finger with a Kotex.

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