Well, I had an interesting generational gap conversation with a young adult this week. Started off well with mutual interest,food. Told him I like sweet potatoes, but I like them as a vegetable and not a dessert. Told him "Here in the south we can turn a vegetable into a dessert before granny can get her panties off the clothesline a'fore a rainstorm." His reply, "What's a clothesline?" Me, "Seriously?, you don't know what a clothesline is? Him, "Naw, A clothes rack, like at Old Navy?" Uggghhh...
Keeping a sweet tater a veggie. I wanted a sweet potato this week, but not as a dessert. Here in the south, you get them three ways..Laden with marshmallows and brown sugar, baked with 1/2 stick of butter when cut open or sliced like taters and fried like french fries.
I opted gingerly for a new guiltless preparation.
One nice size sweet tater
2 tblsp EVO (extra virgin olive oil)
6 walnut halves
shake of nutmeg
shake of ginger
couple of shakes of salt
Wrap tater in plastic wrap
Nuke for 6 minutes
remove from microwave and wrap in foil
leave on counter while it continues cooking in foil for 6 minutes
Slice open and drizzle evo
sprinkle walnut and nutmeg and salt..It's really pretty good.