Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday~ My Fave!

Sunday Dinner Menu: Tarragon Roasted Chuck Roast w/Potatoes, Carrots, Onions and Gravy, Jasmine Rice and Deviled Eggs

Saturday, March 2, 2013

P#4 "What's the hold up here?"
P#3 "It's Manny, she forgot how to shuffle again" 
P#2 "Manny, start out on your right and just go"
P#4 "How are we ever going to learn the Harlem Shake and we can't even Shuffle?"

Friday, March 1, 2013

Blog of the Week: Renae Kicks the Bucket List | | Bold. Smart. Local. Now. | Charleston, SC

Blog of the Week: Renae Kicks the Bucket List | | Bold. Smart. Local. Now. | Charleston, SC

Freaky Mood Ring

I had one of these rings in the 70's. It was silver like this one. I was googling last night to see if I could find one and found this picture of one. When I saved it to my pics folder it was green and when I went to get it, it was red and then I posted it red and it turned green. Here it is in a screen shot. Crazy!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Piddlin in Dixie ~ Renae Brabham

It's here!  I've published a special collection of stories from my Moultrie News columns. I have enjoyed writing these true stories and look forward to sharing more. Check it out, or get your copy by clicking the link below!

That Mortality Moment | | Bold. Smart. Local. Now. | Charleston, SC

That Mortality Moment | | Bold. Smart. Local. Now. | Charleston, SC

Mortality Moments

I spent years, almost a decade researching my family's genealogy. I was almost back to Jesus when reality, cold and stark confronted me. The one fact that was conclusive beyond all reasonable doubt? They were all gone and I wasn't.

I packed them all away one spring morning. I leafed through the papers one last time, pages upon pages of born here's - died here's. Their dashes flashed by like a flip book.
There it was...That moment...The moment that I realized that I will never do all that I want to do here on earth. There are places that I won't see, faces that I won't touch, people that I won't love, books that I wont' read, wine bottles that I won't open and chocolate that I won't eat.

Mortality. I am sure each individual reacts to it in their own way. I remember going into the kitchen and making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich after mine. I personally dislike the ~bucket list~ craze. Not that I didn't like the movie, I just don't like the idea of limiting my dreams and goals to the contents of a tin pail.

That moment forces us to face facts. Like, there are some things that I have always wanted to do that I won't. i.e. Eating lunch sitting on the paw of the Sphinx after riding a camel across the dessert.
There are some things that I want to do that I may get to do i.e. Play connect the dots on a Dalmatian, Zip Line, Hot Air Balloon…
And a lot of things that I don't want to do that I will. i.e. Put on another pair of panty hose.
Tearfully I asked Don after another mortality moment (A close brush with death when a large green tree frog jumped from a door onto my bare chest) "Why do you think that so much weird stuff happens to me?" He replied "Because you live."
If I live a lot, I am going to get hurt a lot, but... I will increase my chances of injury AND pleasure both. So, I don't really have a short list, my list is short. Learn to fly, fly away. Every breath is a mortality moment.